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Why a Lenovo

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and in no way am I qualified to advise anyone on the workings of any technology. I am an Independent Legal Nurse Consultant and I have a passion for personal development. I want to grow and help others grow as it relates to "Liberty Independence Inheritance For Everyone". Getting organize and using the right tools is an important part of that process.

For the last few years Lenovo has been a part of my family's personal and work life. Initially being assigned one as a work station, this light weight work horse of a laptop earned a spot in our home office. At work its main function was to edit and create medical records. Speed and processing was a key factor in the growing love for this product. The touchscreen, software, and accessories are very user friendly. Liifebox works for a living and values the coins that come my way so it goes without saying that one of the most important considerations was the price point. Lenovo isn't "cheap" but it doesn't break the bank.

The Lenovo upgrade in the home office continues to impress as its' primary function is streaming live school five days a week. Operating as an independent nurse consultant, having a toddler, and monitoring homeschool classes there is no time for resets and reboots. With a Lenovo laptop my family has been productive and continues to be satisfied with the purchase.

In this entry there was never a mention of the exact laptop used at work or purchased for the home office. Compared to six months ago there may already be the latest and greatest on the market, and let's not forget about that little Disclaimer at the beginning. I feel comfortable enough to share my experience using the brand, but would suggest you check out other Liifebox Blog entries for recommendations on where to find the best deals.

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